UNO — “It’s Full On” Series

When Connelly Partners reached out about partnering on a series of Uno's spots, we were psyched. CP nailed the creative and chose the perfect talent duo to match.

We provided production support for two shoot days, one on location at an Uno's restaurant and the second at a residential location. With a limited shoot window and six scripts to cover, planning was imperative. We scouted the locations prior giving us a head start on prep. By the time we arrived on site we had all of the camera angles and lighting set ups mapped out on paper. The biggest task was blacking out all of the large windows in the space to create the night time vibe. A three camera set up was key to staying on schedule and giving the talent freedom to ad lib naturally.

The end result, a clever series of videos sure to make you smile.



  • Agency: Connelly Partners

Barry Frechette

Kyle Couture

    B Camera / AC:
Taylor Pelletier

Vincent McDonald

Danny White

Buck St. Thomas

    Talent: Tim Brierley
, Evelyn Dumont